6.8 103 minHD Endless Love (2014) Drama, Romance, USA 12 Feb 2014David Mendoza, Michele Panelli-Venetis, Rebecca Robertson, Shana Feste, Steven Ritzi Trailer NONTON
6.6 95 minHD The Spectacular Now (2013) Comedy, Drama, Romance, USA 2 Aug 2013James Ponsoldt Trailer NONTON
5.9 126 minHD Terminator Genisys (2015) Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, Thriller, USA 23 Jun 2015Alan Taylor, Anna Rane Trailer NONTON
7.1 142 minHD The Hunger Games (2012) Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Science Fiction, USA 12 Mar 2012Alain Lacroix, Aldric La'Auli Porter, Chad Stahelski, Dawn Gilliam, Gary Ross, John Nasraway, John R. Saunders, Jon Kilik, Peter Rodger, Scott Farrar, Steve Pelchat, Steven Soderbergh Trailer NONTON